Sedop at a Glance

Socio Economic Development Organization for the Poor (SEDOP) is a non-profitable voluntary organization established on 20th July 2004 and obtaining registration in October 22, 2008 aiming to improve the quality of life of socially and economically unprivileged, marginal, landless and poor people and upholding the philosophy of ensuring people’s rights.

Towards its journey, SEDOP experienced working in education, agricultural development, fisheries, water and sanitation, mother and children care support, child right, etc. as part of achieving organizational vision of success. SEDOP also experienced in managing the programs with funds and in collaboration and partnership with Government ministries, national and international development agencies.

Since started its drive to fighting poverty, SEDOP takes development as a positive change of economic, social, cultural and moral aspects of human life. SEDOP is working to bring change in power dynamics through economically empowers the unprivileged, marginal people through concretization and alternative institution building for liberation of the majority of people from prejudices and exploitative mechanism of the society that breeds poverty and injustices.

Core values:

  • Mutual respect
  • Transparency
  • People’s Participation
  • Gender Sensitivity
  • Accountability



  • Household Livelihood and Food Security
  • Capacity Building
  • Rights-based approaches
  • Advocacy
  • Gender Equity
  • Participatory Individual and Community Based Approach


Programming Focus:

SEDOP has been operating multi-faceted development programs with a view to uplifting socio-economic condition of the poor and disadvantaged people. The broad based programmatic area focused on-

  • Health, Hygiene, Water and Sanitation
  • Women empowerment with gender discrimination.
  • Agricultural Development and Food security
  • Non-formal Education and Capacity development
  • Institutional development through People’s Organization
  • Income Generating through Livelihood improvement
  • Sustainable Environment and Biodiversity Conservation
  • Disaster Preparedness and Management


Cross Cutting Issues:

  • Poverty
  • Nutrition
  • Gender Equity
  • Good Governance
  • Human Rights