Business Development Unit

SEDOP has a devoted action team for Fund Raising and Public Relation. This Business Development and Public Relation Cell are innovative in their way of collecting funds for several projects. For several years SEDOP’s fund collections is getting higher in respect of projects but the major problem is now SEDOP is losing some of its projects which is really an issue to look upon. Some fund come from beside fund raising cell through relationship and offer project from donor. Focus need to be given on new project agreement and linkage development at national, international, intergovernmental level and organizational model & credibility to sell the project. Clear frame work is needed for Business Development and Public Relation Cell. In public relations aspect SEDOP has influence over local media but not in the national media relations. For respective localities, for special operations SEDOP can be introduced within a certain small community but SEDOP’s works are not represented in national level media. This might affect SEDOP’s image in making a popular name in fundraising market. On another hand a set of strong public relations activities will impression people to work with and within SEDOP

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